Violet confusion
"Violet confusion” by Lucian Sebastian Radu
acrylic on canvas
180 x 180 cm
In the inaugural piece of the "Collision" series, "Violet Confusion," the visual indicator of the teddy bears resembling worms signifies the dehumanizing attitude of the leaders of war towards the people caught in conflict. This painting portrays a multitude of confused teddy bears, their forms reminiscent of worms, amidst a backdrop dominated by the color magenta, symbolizing the violence and turmoil of war.
The teddy bears, resembling worms, represent the dehumanization and degradation of individuals subjected to the brutality of conflict. Each figure struggles amidst the chaos, reflecting the harsh reality faced by civilians caught in the crossfire of war.
At the heart of the painting, a yellow balloon symbolizes peace, contrasting starkly with the chaotic scene surrounding it. This juxtaposition underscores the stark contrast between the desire for tranquility and the harsh realities of war.
Through bold and evocative imagery, "Violet Confusion" confronts viewers with the dehumanizing effects of war, urging them to confront the brutality faced by innocent individuals while emphasizing the universal longing for peace.
I use symbolism to convey complex themes and emotions. The teddy bears in my paintings represent childhood innocence, while the balloon symbolizes peace and stability. The elongated hands depict both the absence of affection and the longing for it, with the empty gaze accentuated by the absence of eyes.
Visually, I aim for a combination of pop art's seriality, the lightness of comics, the perfection of digital print, and the expressiveness of Renaissance art.
Through my W.A.R. (We Are Right) project, I explore the falsely justified motivations behind wars and the generational traumas endured by children. It's a personal reflection on the human condition and the ongoing struggles for peace amidst conflict.